Author Topic: Irish Setter - Cirrutopia/DeeOhGee - V1  (Read 1886 times)


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Irish Setter - Cirrutopia/DeeOhGee - V1
« on: December 06, 2019, 07:59:16 PM »
File NameIrish
Notes6 different size variations(3 per gender that come out of the AC wearing different colored sweaters), puppies grow feathers, and must be .pet hexed when bred. This file was originally made by Andi@Cirrutopia and called CIR Irish Setter V2. Aubz was given permission to modernize it, namely legs and feet modifications, but also smaller tweaks like added a few feathers, lowered the tail angle, updated the nose style, changed the feather furfile, tweaked existing addballz, and updated the name/offset.
AcceptedDecember 5 2019