Author Topic: PoseSheet  (Read 5407 times)


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« on: December 14, 2016, 01:28:46 AM »
"An Excel Sheet to keep track of your pose point shows - easier to get an overview over than say a simple text file! It is split into Catz, Dogz and an additional page that lists the pose points, titles and most common types of poses, so it's always easy to go there and check when uncertain. Each page has fields for breed, show name, call name, title and points. I recommend to add show result details by right-clicking in the column of choice and picking Add Comment. Then you will easily be able to see the results in full simply by hovering over the result, while they will be hidden when you don't need to see them. Pic shows an extract of my own sheet, but of course the one you download will be empty and ready to be written in! "